Currently Reading: 'Breakfast Of Champions' by Kurt Vonnegut
September 12 2023
I'm late to the Kurt Vonnegut party, if it can be called that. I only got into his books over the last couple of years, and Slaughterhouse-Five is the only other novel of his that I've read. So yeah, I'm late, but I'm here.
This book has been equal parts depressing and fun, and can flip flop between those two states multiple times within the same paragraph. Also, Vonnegut introduces smaller stories within the plot at a really high rate, which is amazing. He does so by telling us about some story that one of the protagonists 'Kilgore Trout' once wrote. I love these little off shoots which tie back in to the main story. (I'm not sure if they always do, it doesn't matter).
I'm about two thirds of the way through this one. I might come back here again and give an update. Not sure.
Here are some relevant links. All are for informational purposes only.
- Link to the Wikipedia entry for Kurt Vonnegut
- Link to the Wikipedia entry for Slaughterhouse-Five
- Link to the Wikipedia entry for Breakfast Of Champions
Update October 15 2023: I have a new post since finishing reading this story. Here's the link to part 2.